Film Producer

Photo de Solenne Jakovsky

Photo de Solenne Jakovsky
Représentation : Nicolas Teil (Agence Minds)

Laurence Lascary began her career in the audiovisual sector in 2004. After studies in management and a Master's degree in marketing and distribution in the European Audiovisual Industry delivered by the Sorbonne and the INA, she worked with companies such as StudioCanal or Unifrance (New York office).
In 2008, she creates the production company DE L’AUTRE COTE DU PERIPH’ (DACP) to take the heat out of the debates about the working-class areas and remove inhibitions of their residents, showing them that it is possible to succeed. In 2011, she launches the Journée des Jeunes Producteurs Indépendants (Young Independent Producers’ Day), an innovative marketplace dedicated to the new actors of the audiovisual industry (the 7th edition took place in June, 2017).
Since 2015, she is a member of the College of Diversity (Collège de la Diversité) of the French Ministry of Culture.
In 2016 began the production of her first feature film: L’Ascension (The Climb) directed by Ludovic Bernard. The film was released on January 25th, 2017 (Mars Distribution) and gathered more than a million two hundred thousand spectators.
Since the fall of 2017, Laurence Lascary is the president of the association DANS MON HALL whose objective is the promotion and the development at the national level of an artistic project at the service of the living together in the districts notably through the realization of short films with the inhabitants.
On february 2018, Laurence received the title of Chevalier de l'Ordre du Mérite (Chevalier in the National Order of Merit) for her contribution to the French film industry.
In order to change attitudes in French cinema, she committed herself with the 5050 Collective which she co-chaired since May 2018.
Laurence Lascary has developed various partnerships with organizations such as BNP Paribas, Women Initiative Foundation...
- Young Leaders nomination, French-American Foundation.
- We Build Change, Cannes
The mission of We Build Change is to connect, challenge and inspire rising talents to help organisations solve tomorrow’s most complex challenges.
- Partir ?, TV documentary production
- La reine de l'évasion, short movie production
- La petite sirène, short movie production

- Honorary guest of the 2nd edition of Femmes d'Ici & Cinéma festival
( Les Abymes, Guadeloupe)

- Young Leaders nomination, French-American Foundation.
- We Build Change, Cannes
The mission of We Build Change is to connect, challenge and inspire rising talents to help organisations solve tomorrow’s most complex challenges.
- Partir ?, TV documentary production
- La reine de l'évasion, short movie production
- La petite sirène, short movie production
- Honorary guest of the 2nd edition of Femmes d'Ici & Cinéma festival
( Les Abymes, Guadeloupe)

- WBMI, Women Initiative Foundation, Stanford
The mission of the Women Initiative Foundation is to promote women in the business world and in the economy in general.
- Créatrices d'Avenir judging panel
- Laurence Lascary receives the Ordre du Mérite medal, by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication
- Demain m'appartient, TV documentary production
- Paris est noire, short movie production

- Young Leaders nomination, French-American Foundation.
- We Build Change, Cannes
The mission of We Build Change is to connect, challenge and inspire rising talents to help organisations solve tomorrow’s most complex challenges.
- Partir ?, TV documentary production
- La reine de l'évasion, short movie production
- La petite sirène, short movie production

- G20 YEA young entrepreneurs
- Release of the film The Climb
1, 2 millions spectators
Audience Price to the Alpe d'Huez Film Festival
Aquired by Netflix

- Réseau Entreprendre 93
Founded over 30 years ago by André Mulliez, Réseau Entreprendre is the first business leader network at the service of entrepreneurship. Engaged in Seine-Saint-Denis, Réseau Entreprendre 93 support and finance contractors with strong growth and employment potential on the territory.
- Minh Tam, short movie production

Laurence Lascary et Euzhan Palcy au festival de Cannes. Crédits photo : Cristophe Clovis

Laurence Lascary lors de sa remise de prix "Créatrices d'Avenir"

Laurence Lascary et Euzhan Palcy au festival de Cannes. Crédits photo : Cristophe Clovis

- The Ariane de Rothschild Fellowship, Cambridge
Since its inception in 2009, the AdR Fellowship has been passionately committed to diversity,
the promotion of cross-cultural and religious understanding, and the respect for human dignity.
- Créatrices d'Avenir Price
- Member of the College of Diversity, French Ministry of Culture and Communication
- Member of the French National Council of Cities
- Nos mères nos daronnes, TV documentary production
- Launching of Dans Mon Hall
Collection of short movies directed with the working-class neighborhood inhabitants
-Les marches de la liberté, TV documentary production
Broadcasted on France O, LCP and Public Sénat.
Best documentary award FEMI (Guadeloupe)

- Hasaki Ya Suda, short movie production
Special mention of the jury at the Festicab
Special mention of the jury at the Verone Film Festival
Nominated to the Fespaco
- Creation of the Day of Young Independent Producers
- Je, short movie production
Broadcasted on France 2

- Creation of DACP
- Laurence Lascary receives the Talents des Cités Award

- National jury Envie d'agir 2009
- L'école des ambassadeurs, TV documentary production
Broadcast on Public Sénat and LCP
- Dead Buddy, short movie production
- Narkissos, short movie production
- The keys to production - Festival Nouveaux Regards
- CNC Round Table - For a new policy in favor of authors in the era of mutations in cinematographic and audiovisual creation - Festival International des Scénaristes
- Godmother Producer of the Writing Marathon - Festival International des Scénaristes
- What diversity in the European series? - Round Table at the Séries Mania Festival
- Regional audiovisual meetings - Agence Film Réunion
- Bank financing of audiovisual and cinema projects - MédiaClub
- Cultural content for sustainable development - Audiens
- MasterClassLucBesson, 10 Saturdays for a TV series - École de la Cité
- Pooling in short films: What opportunities for production and distribution? - Mezzanine Admin
- MasterClassLucBesson, 10 Saturdays for a TV series - École de la Cité
- Round table Paris Courts Devant - Boulimik Production
- Become a business manager in Seine-Saint-Denis - General Council of Seine-Saint-Denis
Au fil de sa carrière, Laurence Lascary a été invitée à partager son expertise à travers des festivals, des masterclass, conférences et tables rondes suivantes :
The partners who worked with Laurence Lascary:

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For an interview request, please send your email to: